Huidi Liu
Harbin Medical University, China
Dr. Huidi Liu received her PhD degree from Harbin Medical University (HMU), Harbin, China, with a major in Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy. After her graduation in 2011, she joined the Genomic Research Center at HMU and worked on genomic research of ovarian cancer and natural anti-cancer drugs. She has an overseas experience at University of Calgary as a visiting scholar supported by China Scholar Council (CSC, 2016-2017). She has published more than ten papers in core international journals on ovarian cancer. Besides research, Huidi Liu teaches a course on Systematic Bacteriology. Recently, Huidi Liu has been appointed project manager for the Centre for Infection and Genomics, a joint project between HMU and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary.
Abstract : Oncolytic Virotherapy for Clear Cell Ovarian Carcinoma: a potential treatment strategy