Yong Ho Park
Korea Biomax Institute
South Korea
Prof. Park has served as a dean of College of Veterinary Medicine, SNU from 2007 and honored as fellow at Korean Academy of Science and Technology. During 2008-2010, Professor Park has served as a president of Asian Association of Veterinary Schools (AAVS), and also a president of the Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety and a president of Korean Society for Zoonoses and chairperson of Korean Society of Veterinary Science. From 2011 to 2014, he has worked as a Commissioner at the Animal, Plant, Fisheries, Quarantine and Inspection Agency, KOREA. Currently, he has returned to the previous position as a professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University. Now, Prof. Park is a Commissioner of Korea BioMAX Institute at SNU. He has published more than 250 papers, mainly pathogenesis and antimicrobial resistance of zoonotic diseases, at referred journals and got 20 patents and wrote 6 book chapters.
Research Interest
Veterinary microbiology,Zoonotic diseases